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Kriya Meditation Series: Prana - Cosmic Life-Bearing Power

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Wednesday, May 1, 2019 at 7:30pm in the Golden Lotus Temple

All are welcome

"PRANA - Cosmic Life-Bearing Power"

"It (the Self) is serene; yet It is more active than the mind or the sense faculties. 
Because of Its presence, prana, the life-force, awakens and sustains the functioning powers of the body."

-Isha Upanishad

What is the nature of prana? How do we draw from it? 

In the subjective serenity of our meditation, we become aware of the life breath. As we reach for that cosmic pure consciousness that is united with our individual self-consciousness, we attempt to draw from that infinite reservoir of potential energy known as kundalini. In this second evening of our seven-week Kriya meditation series, we will direct our effort toward the cultivation and harmonization of prana.

-Srimati Karuna